                  Mon- Sat : 10:00AM – 2:00 PM



Whiplash injury is a type of neck injury that occurs when the head is suddenly jerked backward and then forward, typically due to a sudden impact such as a car accident, sports collision, or fall. This rapid motion can strain the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the neck, leading to symptoms such as neck pain, stiffness, and decreased range of motion. Understanding the symptoms and treatment options for whiplash injury is crucial for effectively managing this condition.

Symptoms of whiplash injury often develop within 24 hours of the traumatic event and may include neck pain that worsens with movement, stiffness or difficulty turning the head, headaches, shoulder pain, and sometimes numbness or tingling in the arms. In more severe cases, individuals may experience dizziness, fatigue, or difficulty concentrating. Seeking prompt medical evaluation following a whiplash injury can help ensure an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.

Treatment for whiplash injury typically involves a combination of conservative measures aimed at reducing pain and promoting healing. This may include rest and activity modification to avoid exacerbating symptoms, as well as gentle stretching and strengthening exercises to improve flexibility and muscle support in the neck. Physical therapy or chiropractic care may also be recommended to address underlying muscle imbalances or alignment issues.

For individuals with persistent or severe symptoms that do not respond to conservative treatments, more invasive interventions such as nerve blocks or surgical procedures may be considered. These options are typically reserved for cases where other treatments have been unsuccessful and symptoms significantly impact daily functioning.